look deep into nature and
then you will understand
everything better.
Albert Einstein
What’s better than make your work your way of living, combine all the elements you love and live through them a fulfilling life? Ιnfluence more people around you to become what I call beNatura. A natural way of living through nutrition, nature, ecology, travelling and sport close to nature. You don’t have to do much, you have to do less. Just choose which is the best for you as well as for your companions.
Choose a simple way of living
Choose a simple way of living minimizing your wants. Start from the environment you live in, your house, your clothes even the way that you commute in the city.
Make nutrition your way of life
Make nutrition your way of life don’t do a diet to lose weight. Have a balanced food intake, combine your diet with 1 hour exercise per day, take your time and cook at home, fill in your plate with beautiful colors and smells.
«Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food»

Travel, get to know different cultures and civilizations, observe how other nations live, eat, fall in love, how they communicate. Make your trips be the best university you could ever have chosen to attend. Learn how to accept people as they are, as well as their differences
Sport and nature
Sport and nature, become one with it. Anyway, it’s the environment you live in. Chose the sport you love and make it a way of living. Choose your nutrition based on the sport you do, come close to nature and see a new world open up in front of your eyes. A world full of positive energy and fulfilment.
Zen, just be
Zen, just be. Choose positive thoughts and be satisfied with what you have already. Accept things as they come and learn how to enjoy every moment. Just be in your own time zone, don’t rush as everything comes at the correct time. There is no right or wrong move, everything will happen as they should. Enjoy life with your own terms.
Nature, look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.
Protect the environment you live in. Respect for the environment equals respect to our own self. Become green by reducing your Co2 footprint.
Fall in love
Fall in love, love is an art and the best expression of feelings! Don’t keep your feelings locked in. Make love art, be creative, if you want to grow it’s the only way to achieve it.

This is how I choose to live.
With a natural way of living through healthy nutrition, nature, ecology, sports and traveling.
The secret of happiness is simplicity and balance in all our actions.